

Introduction to the law of nature


The law of nature is a scientific research theory in Physics and Astrophysics. The research project started in 1981 in East Africa (Ethiopia) by Michael Alemu Getahun and has continues progress until today.  

In 1982, Mr. Alemu left his home to search for answers for his questions. He pursued his self-education program and able to manage the independent mind intellectual identity with his own Philosophy. He strongly believes in himself than someone’s knowledge.

He decided to test his idea of knowledge existence within human brain by himself and continue his investigation how the nature works in the Universe. 

In November 24, 1989, he came to Canada as government sponsored refugee. He settled in Toronto and in 1991 established Universal Research of Science and Technology Company. 

He developed a philosophy that will help him to achieve his goal. The following lists are some of ideas that Mr. Alemu used as principle.    

1.      The Universe was the creation of nature’s extreme intellectual knowledgeable force.

2.      The Universe must have the law of nature.

3.      The law of nature has coded within human brain in the form of information.

4.      The law of nature has the distribution law of knowledge for all living things.

5.      The human brain is Universe within, which have all information human beings need to use the given nature within the planet and beyond.

6.      The human brain has the highest knowledgeable master cells.

7.      The human brain knowledgeable master cells were the gift of nature to all human beings by equal distribution law of nature.

8.      The human brain knowledgeable master cells have the super code of nature.

9.      The human brain knowledgeable master cells have the highest knowledgeable molecules

10.  The human brain knowledgeable master cells central regions generate their own electricity by means of nuclear fusion process

11.  No human being can have more or less knowledgeable master cells by any circumstances.

12.  The human brain knowledgeable master cells are exploitable by the process of activation.

13.  The activation process of human brain knowledgeable master cells can take longer or shorter period; it depends on individual circumstances.

14.  The human brain knowledgeable master cells need balanced nutritional supplement from vegetables, fruits, and discipline to achieve the goal.

15.  The activation process of human brain knowledgeable master cells is the discipline of learning new ideas, improving knowing how, seeking new information …etc

16.  The human brain knowledgeable master cells can release the super code of nature that contain practical application of knowing how for human survival.

17.  The human brain knowledgeable master cells central regions release knowledgeable molecules that contained the practical application of all technology.

18.  The human brain knowledgeable master cells nature is practical and must be use based on truth and scientific applications that will help all human beings to live in peace and comfort throughout the world.

19.  The human brain knowledgeable master cells nature is vulnerable to deceiving materials, which blocks the knowledgeable master cells from being release knowledgeable molecules that contain practical application of scientific work.

20.  When the human brain knowledgeable master cells attacked by deceiving materials such as unpractical, illusion, brainwash, and believe books, the individual or a group of people cannot produce or create scientific survival mechanics.

21.  The living human beings must avoid unpractical deceiving books, individuals, group of people, and organizations who promote illusion materials or activities.

22.  The living human beings destroyed by the deceiving books cannot distinguish between fiction and reality. They live in poverty and extreme suffering.

23.  The living human beings destroyed by deceiving books cannot advance in science and technology.

24.  The living human beings who do not believe on themselves are the true slaves of the deceiving books identity owners.

25.  The living human beings who believe on themselves are self-sufficient, independent mind, creative, productive, visionary, scientifically discipline that can protect family, community, and his/ her people from being slave for deceivers. 


                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS



1-     The prime infinite nature’s origin

2-     The beginning of time and space

3-     The Universe

4-     The Universe creation first process

5-     Energy distribution law of nature

6-     Layer one Universe origin atomic energy law

7-     The prime Atoms total energy formula at layer one Universe origin

8-     The prime atoms nuclear fusion process

9-     The prime atoms nuclear fusion process mathematical formula

10-The Universe origin energy formula

11-The law of the Universe fundamental nature’s pure elements

12-The Universe eight fundamental pure elements

13-The Universe eight fundamental pure elements formula

14-The Universe origin fundamental pure elements formula

15-The law of Universe fundamental pure elements bonding

16-The law of Universe fundamental pure elements multiplications

17-The Universe origin pure elements first eight seconds multiplications

18-The firstsecond pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

19-The second seconds pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

20-The third second pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

21-The fourthsecond pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

22-The fifthsecond pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

23-The sixthsecond pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

24-The seventhsecond pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

25-The eighthsecond pure elements multiplications mathematical formula

26-The Universe fundamental pure elements distribution law


28-The law of Universe gravitation

29-The law of physical Universe objects gravitational forces

30-The three estates law of Universe gravitational force attractions

31-The law of physical Universe gravitational balance

32-The NS physical Universe gravitational balance mathematical formula

33-The EW physical Universe gravitational balance mathematical formula

34-The NE and SW physical Universe gravitational balance mathematical formula

35-The NW and SE physical Universe gravitational balance mathematical formula

36-The Planets

37-The Planet formation process

38-The Universe super code mathematics

39-The Universe super code mathematics rule one, two, three, four, and five 

40-The Universe super code mathematics numbers value

41-The Universe super code mathematics relation to hexadecimal, binaries, and decimals 

42-The law of the Universe fundamental pure elements multiplications with the Universe super code mathematics


44-The human prime life creation process at nature’s origin

45-The prime female human life pure elements formation process

46-The prime female human life pure elements formation regional formula

47-The prime human life pure elements mechanics formation process 

48-The law of nature proportionality to human life mechanics

49-The nature’s eight fundamental pure elements proportionality to human life  mechanics 

50-The prime human life molecules mathematical formula